13 August, 2007

Missing out.

I remember a time in my life, when I must have been about 7 or 8- I had got the idea in my head that I was the reincarnation of Lord Krishna. It's ironic that while now we have such defined divisions of whats male and female, back then those divisions didn't matter..after all God was God, regardless of gender.

I would walk around my grandparents with a flute in hand, wearing a salwar without its kameez, my one main aim to steal the fresh, white butter that my grandmother had just churned.

After I would find the butter, which my grandmother would always deviously hide behind the water pot, I would carefully smear some near my mouth - a blatant sign of my thievery, and then I would dance in front of my grandparents in celebration of my missions success.

These days, life just seems like a series of 'ups' and 'downs', which sometimes follow each other far too quickly for me to keep up.
The 'downs' tire me..the 'ups' - even more so.

When did happiness become something you had to work for? When did happiness become something you had to bend over backwards to earn? When did happiness start to cost you peace of mind?

And then I start to wonder if it had always been like this..if happiness and sadness were just mere states we told ourselves we were in, after a run in with lady luck. If the next down was inevitable because you were only this happy if something was being prepared to be taken away from you.

Then I think back to my grandparents. And how my days were made with their loving smiles at my innocent act of thievery.
And I think a part of me inwardly weeps for those days.

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Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

"When did happiness start to cost you peace of mind?" Beautiful line, I will quote you.

Nice post.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Sig did the happy dance and finally said..

Hey Mahi....we all wish for those days when happiness was easy to achieve...these days it seems like no matter how hard you try to hang on it, the more it slips away.

Lots of hugs your way :)

7:32 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

smithy- thank you :)

silvara - they slip away fast..and sometimes u dont notice how fast time flew until u reach days like these..days of stark clarity.
hugs back :)

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

i know thats happening to you too. you could not shop properly post your last write up, Singapore has become very expensive I tell you.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Strider did the happy dance and finally said..

nice post!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Aditya Abburi did the happy dance and finally said..

I think I am the most confused person when it comes to matters like this..

Sometimes I think we can really apprecitae those happy moments only if we see the "not-so-happy" times..... also if we were happy all the time then that would be a state of normalcy and we would be working harder to be more happy!!

does that make any sense at all??dint i say i am very confused!!!

1:41 PM  
Blogger Abhinav Sharma did the happy dance and finally said..

remember, this too shall pass..

8:58 PM  
Blogger Renovatio did the happy dance and finally said..

Screw passing, rise to the occasion. You want something, go get it. You'll find happiness. Yes, you'll have to work for it, but it doesn't just come on it's own. Sucks, yes, but that's life. Life sucks.

Until you get off your ass and get what you want :D

3:20 AM  
Blogger Renie Ravin did the happy dance and finally said..

Hi, please add your blog to our new directory of Indian Blogs and pick up an

Indiblogger badge, thanks!


2:12 AM  

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