16 July, 2007


Remember this?

The fall hurt pretty badly.

I think there's a lesson to be learnt from this - stay away from cliffs and while you're at it, stay away from leaps of faith.

Hey! Prevention is better than cure, after all.

Hope your weekend was better than mine.

Screw that.
Life goes on and so do I.

And if you don't want to walk with me, that's not my problem.

Have a great week ahead guys :)


Blogger M did the happy dance and finally said..

Kuutttiiiiii..forget all this yaaar.. and lets meet up on thursday and have a ball!!! Alright??? :D:D

And listen.. prevention might be better than cure, but alcohol is the best!! So lets go get drunk!!! :D haha! Ok, maybe not drunk.. my mom will not let me in the house! :S

Dont worry babes. All will be fine soooooon! :)

-BIG HUG- :)

9:24 PM  
Blogger APOO did the happy dance and finally said..

You heard that spider story who climbed the wall and fell and kept climbing till he hit the top.

People who fall, I follow their life very closely. Coz when they rise after the fall, they end up being a huge inspiration for those who might fall.

We all fall. Its more important how you break your fall and rise again. That'll set you apart from the rest.

Of course, now you have another thing to worry about - I am gonna be watching you. Very very close!

PS: Dont listen to Medha, she'll take you out and eat up half your food and prolly gulp down most of your drinks!

10:58 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

medha - thanks babe :) big hug back
i WILL need a couple of drinks tho..not too many just a couple :P

apoo - oh great. just what i needed..to give apoo another excuse to stalk me :P
thanks ajo..ill be alright (theres nothing else that it can be afterall)...life goes on

11:02 PM  
Blogger DewdropDream did the happy dance and finally said..

They both have a point... and if Medha's mum doesn't let her in.. why the night shall continue for longer :)

And don't give us that prevention dialogue... what's life without risks?? You know that very well :)

if nothing else... hope this helps... "Yea Mahi, I love you baby! Yea!" multiplied by gadzillion :) Hugs babe

11:18 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

dewdrop - yea baby yea!
haha thank u dahlink
im all better now :)
hugs back!

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

go shopping! buy some new gizmos, dell has launched new series laptops

6:39 PM  
Blogger Renovatio did the happy dance and finally said..

There'll come the time when the one that'll make you fly will do just that. Until then, just don't wonder all the way down why you jumped :p

You know what movie I took that from, yeah you do :p

You have to :(

6:41 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

anon - lol shopping it is! theres nothing that some retail and alcohol therapy cant cure :D

renovatio - haha i dont know which movie that was!! (am i supposed to :S:S)
aye aye im dumb like that..im the sort who'll always jump :) i know..im da man!

6:44 PM  
Blogger Sig did the happy dance and finally said..

Heya Mahi - have always known flying was dangerous but it's the feeling when we are soaring that keeps making us jump.

Go out with good friends, have fun and try not to worry. All the best :)

7:45 PM  
Blogger DewdropDream did the happy dance and finally said..

Here are a few random weird theories I came up with... I don't know why am writing them here... I could be construed as having lost my marbles... but what the heck.

Some people bounce back faster than others... does it mean they've been walking on trampoline-like terrain??

Some people see a whole lot of magenta in every other thing (am talking of the CMYK mix when you look at something)... are those people wearing rose-tinted glasses??

10:17 PM  
Blogger Ashish Shakya did the happy dance and finally said..

Ah good to see the "screw that". Walk on I say (and so does Bono, but never mind)

Oh and looks like Anu has been working too hard again..CMYK and all :p

4:22 AM  
Blogger M did the happy dance and finally said..

Wooohooo.. yayyyy!!!!

Good to see the update!!! :D:D

Ummm.. we are still drinking on thursday right??? haha :P

5:08 AM  
Blogger DewdropDream did the happy dance and finally said..

I knew there I'd get into trouble with that comment... or was that sympathy... Ashish??? :D Mahi and Medha... videos and snaps of thursday for me please

5:17 AM  
Blogger Mint Chutney did the happy dance and finally said..

Screw that indeed!

I'm this close to flying to Singapore and buying you a drink. : )

7:33 AM  
Blogger Abhinav Sharma did the happy dance and finally said..

these days there is an absolute flurry of hindi songs based on the word "mahiya". u sure this hasnt got anything to do with u?

and keep writing, u lazy girl!

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

cheer up mahi!
no body is worth makin u upseT!!

miss u loads

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

i fell too..same day i reckon...
first fall though....

so life does move on eh?

3:42 PM  
Blogger exclusively_me did the happy dance and finally said..

Life does go on... and those who dont wanna walk with us will get left behind.
Losers. Ha!

:D :D

1:03 AM  
Blogger Aditya Abburi did the happy dance and finally said..

hope you had a great week and all that flying and falling is only a thing of the past now...

take care....*hugs*


2:13 PM  

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