03 September, 2005

Life stinks. Kelso missing 'mojo'.

This is whiny weepy 'waah-waah' post.
(waah waah? Let it pass, I'm mentally exhausted.please.)

So I took my young 'un to the vet today.
Kelso will remember today as the day he lost all hope of ever celebrating Father's Day.
My mom was just telling the vet about how she thinks Kelso fancies himself to be the alpha male in the family and the vet (who incidentally is quite hot) quips "Well Alpha male is about to lose his mojo!"

It was a rather quick surgery, I went back in 5 hours to pick him up and the vet looked rather disgruntled and said "Er, could you bring him out? He seems to be in a bad mood."

If you've had a bit of snippety-snip done to you, you'd be in a bad mood too, buddy!

But instead I smiled sweetly and said "Sure."

Poor Kelso was in his cage with a Queen Victoria collar, looking pissed off as hell. He gave me the sorta look that said "Did you know about this!?!?!? You were in on the plan weren't you? I feel like an IDIOT wearing this thing."

So I took him back home. He was still groggy from the anasthetic. He can't even sit properly. What broke my heart was that he couldn't sleep. It probably hurt and the collar didn't help.

At one point in time his entire front body was on the floor while his bum was stuck out.
I laughed like hell.
Coz if I hadn't, I'd have wept.

So I've spent the whole day sitting next to him while he grabs a 2 minute nap by resting his head in my palm. Cleaning him up is just as nerve wracking..I don't think porcelain has even been handled this delicately before.

My backs aching, my nerves are shot, I'm paranoid about what he's doing at every minute, a tiny whine makes me rush over to him AND I'm in one lousy hell of a mood.

I think I'm going to make a great mom.


Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Yup, I think u will...just dont "snip snip" that young'un!!!

9:40 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - no sir i won't...i want grandkids!

11:14 PM  
Blogger SoNyA did the happy dance and finally said..

WHY do I have a feeling you'll treat your dog better than you kids mahi?

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

i had a dog humping me when i walked into my cousins home..
at first i thought he really liked me, then i realized he re-ally liked me.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Webmiztris did the happy dance and finally said..

awwww, poor pup! for our cats we always have them neutered/spayed and declawed at the same time. they are SO pathetic after all of that. sending puppy kisses!!

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Ahhh...now i may jus forgive ur dislike for football!! ;)

Anyways, hows the poor guy doing today?

Use to have 7 dogs once....miss those days....

11:16 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

sonya - u know...as disturbing as that sounds, you're probably right :S

tragic - haha! u sound just like a friend who came over to my place..he was so happy kelso was giving him 'attention'..little did he realise it was the wrong type of attention ;)

rajesh - he's doing much much better..he's napping properly..wow 7 dogs??thats awesome man i'd LOVE to have 7 dogs one day

dawn - pathetic is the WORD! i felt sooooooo bad for him but it was still a liiiittle funny (we're SO morbid) *Kelso sends puppy kisses back*

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Yeah, it was fun, one Big one and 6 fairly small ones, use to stay in a kampong house at Bt Timah years ago...thy were amazing, always there for you whn u needed a firend(didnt hav much friends growing up)...I sure miss thm...

12:20 PM  
Blogger Mint Chutney did the happy dance and finally said..

"My backs aching, my nerves are shot, I'm paranoid about what he's doing at every minute, a tiny whine makes me rush over to him AND I'm in one lousy hell of a mood."

Yep. You hit all the items on my checklist. You WILL make one hell of a mom.

I'll make sure my husband never reads this or he'll never make that appointment for HIS snip-snip surgery. : )

11:05 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - aww..they sound lovely!

minty - hahaha THANKS! aww poor D! you know at least dogs cant complain, men on the other hand are excellent at it :P (dad gets all drama mama when he has a cold..or a papercut) so good luck! =D

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Yup...they were!...thy were not any special breed or anything, thy were strays..its a long story...

Boy, am i in a reminesing mood!

Anyways, I agree with mint, u wil make an amazing mother!...

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Poor Little Tesco. He's "half the man" he used to be. I read this blog in with my legs crossed in sympathy.

Dont worry mahi, he'll waddle around for a few days and be a bit of a grouch at you - but he'll be back to normal. Now he will be able to "enjoy life and not suffer the consequences"! haha...

So do you call him Kelsi now??

8:34 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - thanks mate =)looking forward to that day (minus all the gory yucky bits that come with giving birth)

dev - HAHA! i missed u mate!!!!
u may uncross your legs now, and no i do NOT call him kelsi :@
i call him 'dev jr.'

7:33 PM  
Blogger Arjun did the happy dance and finally said..

Think you'll make a great mom, Mahi! Kelso's so lucky to have you!
Agree with Webmiztris, too. ;)

11:06 PM  
Blogger That Girl did the happy dance and finally said..

poor kelso...we had all our dogs "done" too so yeah...its quite stressful...

....sigh now i miss my doggies...i always did laugh at those victorian collars... made me wonder if Shakespeare had quite a lotta wounds he wanted to lick.. err.. eeeww.

11:12 PM  
Blogger Jay did the happy dance and finally said..

You'll be a fabulous mom. And just think - there'll be no curfews, college fees and teenage pregnancies to deal with later.

Especially not the teenage pregnancies.

2:48 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

aww thanks couchie =D

grafx - yucks! now THERE'S an image u DONT want to visualise =S

jay - thanks mate :P

10:19 PM  
Blogger Alternate Vision did the happy dance and finally said..

you go superwoman:)

12:51 AM  
Blogger APOO did the happy dance and finally said..

Blogging about ya kids lost Mojo and stuff!! BAH! BAD MOMMY!!!

3:45 AM  
Blogger Dr. Pissed did the happy dance and finally said..

Kelso reminds me of Ozzy! :(

5:20 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

surya - oh thank you =D *mahi goes about doing her world-saving duties*

apoo - if his mom doesnt talk about his mojo then WHO WILL?!

Dr pissed - why u so pisseD? ozzy is your pooch yes? there there..i feel your pain!

10:44 AM  
Blogger Dr. Pissed did the happy dance and finally said..

I am not pissed all the time dude.
And yeah, Ozzy died a few days ago - OLD AGE.
I miss the bugga :(

8:27 PM  

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