12 August, 2005

Want A Piece of Me?

(Thanks to everyone for their kind words about the last post =) I appreciate it more than you can imagine.)

Onto more painful but funnier things.

Poor Kelso got dropped on his head this morning by Mum dearest.
I know...he truly is his mistress' dog.**

So as the day progresses, we notice that he's developed a squint in his left eye..so he basically spent the day looking like a pirate dog cum one eyed jack.
Which was actually kinda funny to see..oh shutup...I'm not being a sadist..it really WAS funny!

Of course we got worried by evening so Mom and I took him to the vet, who gave us eye drops. Mom asks "Doctor? How are we supposed to put this in his eye?"
Doc very practically says "Oh just hold his eye open, and put it in."

Yea. RIGHT. Like that was gonna happen.

Now....Kelso isn't an 'eye-drops' kinda dog..in other words the chances of you having some considerable damage done to your body by his cute but vicious teeth, is waaay higher than Kelso allowing you to squirt something in his eye.

So we get home and I'm like "Mom. Let's bite the bullet already. Let's do THIS. Shock and awe baby, shock and awe."
Mom says "Ok Mahi, but you'll have to take his bite, while I put the drops."

I brace myself. So I'm having my delicate fingers chewed off by my crazy dog, and my mom's trying NOT VERY HARD to put the drops.
"YEOWCH! Ow..no ..NO! Kelso's a good boy...good boys don't bite- oh GOD that HURT!!"

Dad's just sitting there, giggling.

"Oh Mahi! Let's try again...I think the drop went into his mouth"-Kelso is now trying to get the bitter taste out of his mouth-"Take his bite again!"

I glower at Mom.
"Hey Mom. I have a better idea. Why don't YOU take his bite?"
Dad's now silently laughing so hard, that a few veins pop out of the side of his head.
"Come to think of it Mahi, there HAS to be another way to do this.."
"Of course." I mumble, nursing my injured fingers.

Kelso finally got his eye drops.
I did it all by myself.
Thanks A LOT Mom!

**One day before my first birthday, I 'slip' out of Daddy dearest's arms. I fell on my face. My nose is slightly bent to the left coz of it.
Thanks A LOT Dad.


Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Ahhhh...left profile baby! :)

Anyways, if ur right is anyting at all like ur left, thn u have absolutly nuttin to worry abt dear, its all good!

Poor kelso, send him my regards will ya?...

N guess wat? im 1st post again...this is starting to be a habit! before u ask, no, I din hav any coffee today...okay okay...I din hav TOO much coffee today...

12:28 AM  
Blogger Mint Chutney did the happy dance and finally said..

My sister is a vet and she always talks about having to charge people who are unable to give medication to thier pets. The best is when she gets called on a Friday night to give a dog a laxative. Phahahahahahahaa!

1:02 AM  
Blogger APOO did the happy dance and finally said..

Whats with Kelso and balls? One ball problem, one eyeball problem.... poor dog!

1:28 AM  
Blogger The Box did the happy dance and finally said..

Well, I think this is patently unfair. You fall on your face and you look like that? God's clearly some biased old geezer. The rest of us need to be tipped off skyscrapers then.

I've had similar difficulties giving my dog meds. We've tried to hide it in his crunchies and he either picks them out or sniffs and pisses on them rendering it completely inedible, and embarassing us in the process for having failed in our switch-and-bait.

2:19 AM  
Blogger Jay did the happy dance and finally said..

Next time just sedate your dog (GHB, Valium, chloroform) and when he's dozing away, you can do what the hell you like with him - including giving him eyedrops.

And what was your mom doing with him at the time?

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

wish kelso a speedy recovery...

and ru sure u fell face down... or was it on your head... looks more of cerebral damage than anything else :)

*Peace Mate*

11:04 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - NO COFFEE FOR YOU ANYMORE. and sadly my right side is slightly more different from my left (nose looks bigger and all that) so its ALWAYS left profile. ALWAYS.

garfy - i KNOW..in retrospect that statement sounds SO dirty! heeey falling on ure face can be VERY TRAUMATISING!! DON'T LAUGH!!!!

mint chutney - dont laugh minty !! it really IS hard sometimes! hehe but a doggie laxative is just hilarious..um it was an oral laxative right?

apoo - once again you didnt disappoint me. i was just WAITING for someone to crack 'one-ball' jokes. :@

box - *blush* please! you're making me blush! now now..no one needs to go a-jupming off any skyscrapers..
you know its funny how these dogs pretend to be dumb if you ask them to do something..but YET they have enough brains to understand that they're being hoodwinked. mutts.

jay - woah.
For All Your Sedative Needs, Call "1800-JAY-KNOWS-HIS-MEDS"
my mom was carrying him when he starting wriggling, and then she dropped him like a sack of hot potatoes.

rumpy - thanks for your best wishes, and NO THERE WAS NO CEREBRAL DAMAGE.
*Mumbles* I'm not just a pretty face, I'm not just a pretty face

11:30 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

garfy - kelso's almost as good as new! no more funny squint, but i still need to put drops...no luck on that so far..just a bitten finger :(

2:48 PM  
Blogger That Girl did the happy dance and finally said..

MEHAAAHAHA!! ,,, GAHH!! MY nose is longer than id LIKE coz it kept getting PULLED by my FAT aunties...yeah i know its hard to squirt anythign in dogs' eyes... we have 4...sigh...and to add to the problemthey are are twice my size.. so if they dont like what im doing ,.. they just SIT on me.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Arjun did the happy dance and finally said..

Heee heeeeee!!
Was just looking at your nose (in the photograph) to spot the crookedness! ;)

5:04 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

grafx - my dogs tiny..but he's FEISTY!

couchie - stop looking!!! u'll never spot it in that pic :P
sigh..rhinoplasty..here i come!

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Mahi - But...but...it tastes so good :'(....left or right dear, its still u, so try as hard as u want, u still will look pretty!...and SOME good boys do bite! ;)

Box - Absolutly agree with you!...Wanted to jumb from my office bldg myself, but wit my thick skull, i'll prob end up being fined for damaging the pavement...and still be looking like shit *sob sob*

And Mahi, I agree with u...Are not just a pretty face...u are a pretty face and SOMETHING...not sure wat that something is...but u are not just a pretty face...hehe

6:05 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - well now im just blushing!

7:03 PM  
Blogger That Girl did the happy dance and finally said..

Garfy - yeah.. and there i am ...stuck..and unable to move...you cant move..not when a bloody great Alsatian sits on ye!!

10:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown did the happy dance and finally said..

When I was less than a year old,I fell on my head,rolled from the bed...that's why I'm all fucked up.(or at least that's what I'd like to think)

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Mahi! U evil thing! How cld u make this into a joke HUH?HUH? Is Kelso ok now?

p/s I had to laugh big time 1st b4 posting this comment..:p

9:23 AM  

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