09 January, 2006

Resistance Is Futile.

By nature, I'm a curious person.
Curious about why people act the way they do. This is the answer I give people when they ask me why I'm studying Psychology.

You meet all sorts in your life.

There are the types who'll say something nasty. Just for the sake of it. It's not brought on by anything or anyone, it's uncalled for, it's sometimes inhumane.
It's happened to me loads of times. And when it does happen I'm not saddened or upset. Nope. I'm curious.
I need to know why. Why be nasty?
This question used to drive me crazy. I mean, just thinking about the variables involved used to boggle my mind- Did I do something to precipitate this response? Maybe the person had a bad day? Maybe all the person needs is a good dump?

Thankfully experience is an amazing teacher.
Experience has taught me that some people don't need a reason.
For some people it's a habit. For some people being nasty is a way of life.
And sometimes its an simple as this - some people are just assholes.

See what I've realised is this -people who can't keep a lid on it are stupid. Yup just downright stupid. Being nasty is a waste of effort, it's a waste of time, it burns bridges. And I'm so against all that you know. And being nasty simply demonstrates ones inability to deal- with YOUR issues.
Being nasty is self defeating.

So nasty people out there- Don't be stupid. You can't fool people into thinking you're better just because you're snarkier.
And you know it.

Oh and Ms D passed away last night.


Blogger The Box did the happy dance and finally said..

I sometimes wonder if I'm this total ogre.
I'm one of those unlucky sorts who gets some error in their bill or cable TV subscription every other month.

I've rehearsed entire conversations, scenarios in my head where I've just taken the poor customer service guy/girl on the other line down a peg or two.

Then I call up, and they solve the problem for me, and apologise. And I feel like a total jerk for actuially preparing for a fight.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

I can be bitchy - I do that very well but I can't be mean. I immediately feel guilty. I can throw a tantrum - I do that really well but I can't be cruel. I immediately feel like crap. I think it's because I was dealt a lot of crap by so-called friends in the treacherous teen years (teenage girls should not be allowed to have friends.)

I've been blatantly nasty-cruel once in my life and I still feel bad about it. I probably will until the end of time. And it's hard to apologize after you've been that mean. What do you say? Sorry just doesn't cut it. Once you rip into someone like that - there's no recovery. There are no words and years later you still feel like shit so being nasty-cruel, I've discovered, is too hard to live with inside of me. I try and watch my mouth. When my temper starts to go, so do I. Easier that way. When I can feel the temper snapping against my flesh, lashing for release, I take a hike before I do irreparable damage - again. Once is really all it takes.

12:35 AM  
Blogger 4wD did the happy dance and finally said..

Some times, you need to be nasty, you know. Me and my buds do it occassionally. Like the time we picked on N's brother (who was 21 and totally balding) just for fun. I mean, thats not like nasty, but its mean. But then we offered him sandwiches and made up. Just for fun, you should be nasty sometimes.

fo usually nice guy like me, the rare occasion that you are nasty, feels all bad-boyish, and it boosts me teensy male ego a bit.

Oh and, you know whats cool, the last person that commented to this post is a `sensual romance writer'. How cool is that!? You have a porn-writer commenting on your blog.

2:09 AM  
Blogger That Girl did the happy dance and finally said..

nasty people make me cry usually..lol... nowadays i put enough acid back so theyre reduced to ashes... but im usually very good at knowing who is worth it and who isnt......eyah experience has taught me to be careful.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

aww boxie that dont make you a meanie..that just makes u a disgruntled customer and EVERYONE has been one, at least once! i know sometimes theyre just so nice and apologetic..but maybe thats their tactic!!

jenna - i totally understand where u come from...the minute my blood starts boiling, i walk away. it saves everyone a lot of grief...but having said that, there are a few people who DO need to be shaken till their teeth rattle, and if im the person who has to do it, then i will.

4wd - being playfully nasty is fine...we've all been there...but like i said..there are a few special people who sometimes make you wonder if they are the spawn of the devil.
jenna, me thinks you have a fan :P

grafx - aww dont cry! dont give em the satisfaction...give back just as good or walk away..and yup some people are totally not worth the effort...they can rot in their self made hell.
as for me..ive become pretty adept at sussing out who's a potential asshole..i've never been wrong so far..so when my bullshit alert is up and running thats when i start backing away!

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Ahhh...its been a looong time since i commented, was so busy with moving house and the housewarming that life was just chucked to a side...sure as hell missed this place, so Mahi, got miss me?

Well, i can be a cold heartless asshole at times, especially to people i dont really like, If i dont like you, trust me, you will know it...but I'd like to think that this doesnt make me a bad person, the people who i am mean to are not people who hav been mean to me, they hav been mean to people that i really care about.

Im very protective of the people i care about, namely my family so if you hurt em, i will never really forgive.

anyways, hows life mon Cheri?

6:50 PM  
Blogger Jay did the happy dance and finally said..

Yikes... guilty as charged. I seriously think I was born without the impulse control gland. Or maybe I've just got Bitch Tourettes. Even when I know I shouldn't say something, I can't seem to stop myself, and can only watch helplessly as my mouth speeds along on its merry way.

It really has gotten me in a lot of sticky situations in the past.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

rajesh - welcome back! wondered where u went to!
see being mean to someone who has been mean to u or loved ones is fine...hell ive given hell to people who've hurt my friends..and i'd still do it all over again!
but what i absolutely detest is when its uncalled for!

jay - oh boy i can imagine! but jay are u nasty just for the sake of it? even when its uncalled for??

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Hm...I can always use a new fan.

11:08 PM  
Blogger surbhi seth did the happy dance and finally said..

Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about Ms. D.
(I know..I don't know her...but it's never nice hearing of someone's death.)

Secondly, I'm sitting here at my desk, wondering what intrigued Mahi to post this blog!! A phsych class? A mean fella? Or both?
Well, I've always ignored the nasty kind, as if they didn't know any better.. and that I was too good to stoop down to their nasty level to get back at them. They might have tried to instill pain, but instead I only gained tolerance. I never really sort to see why they'd act in such terrible manner.. but now that the topic is out in the open, I'm beginning to wonder! Perhaps, it brings them internal joy!?! Who knows?!

1:39 AM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia did the happy dance and finally said..

Good point lady Mahi! As for you 4wd... porn writer?!?!?!? Oh, no, no, no, no, noooo!

There is a great difference between "porn" and "sensual romance writers". I suggest you read this and be enlightened!

Otherwise... this Catty Yummy Mummy has a whip... k-kish!

Sorry Mahi! I won't whip too many of your readers but some just need it! I bet you he liked it too!

4:21 AM  
Blogger 4wD did the happy dance and finally said..

Bohemia : the great difference, is in the mind of Women. For men, its all the same. Even the new Skoda octavia ad is porn for us.

If any male person says otherwise, he's either lying, or very in touch with his feminine side.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Miz B...she's my defender. I have an international bodyguard. Awesome.

I'm so not getting into this discussion as my brother always goes: "How's the writing? Bwohm-chicka-bwohm-bwohm. What'd you write? Bwohm-chicka-bwohm-bwohm." Then hisses. There's something very wrong in that conversation exchange and I wished he'd stop doing it every single time. Every. Single. Time. For it freaks me out. :::shudder:::

I'm going to need therapy. I just know it.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Blogger did the happy dance and finally said..

I think some people, when they're trying to be assertive, just come across as nasty. There's a pretty fine line dividing the two. Me, I need to be much more assertive in real life!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

surbhii- hehe i so knew someone would try and psychoanalyse my post :P well yup someone did say something that made me go 'wha..'
and i thought back on what other nasty people had said they're all so bloody similar, its amazing. i honestly think most of them are the sort who dont have foresight. as simple and sad as that!

miz b - heheh i have a feeling he enjoyed it too! who wouldnt? i mean its you behind the whip, yummy mummy ;)

4wd - all the women who read your comment just went "Men.*pffft*"

jenna - "Bwohm-chicka-bwohm-bwohm"!?! hehe that sounds funny! what is it??=S

b.c - hey if you're trying to drive home a point thats cool! everyones entitled to their opinion but like i said..i hate it when its a personal attack and worse still - an uncalled-for personal attack!
yea be strong! be assertive! *grunt*

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

Bwohm-chicka-bwohm-bwohm is pretty much me imitating porn music. Very clever, hm?

10:54 PM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia did the happy dance and finally said..

4wd... I like your honesty... Being a bohemian who had mostly guy friends, I am afraid that is true!

A sunset can turn a woman on, whereas a man would probably need a picture of genitals and that would get him going... Oy!

So, did you like the whippin'?

Jenna, Mahi, we gotta fight for the ladeez and keep the crew safe, ya know?

Catty Yummy Mummy signing out! K-kish!

11:04 PM  
Blogger Leigh did the happy dance and finally said..

So true, some people are just assholes. They have some issue they can't deal with, so they project it onto other people so they can feel better about themselves. Most the time they don't even realize they are doing it. Sad.

1:40 AM  
Blogger Webmiztris did the happy dance and finally said..

I'm nasty. I admit I'm an asshole. :D But seriously, I think if I'm nasty at all now it's because in middle school everyone was super nasty to me and I just took it. Now I refuse to be shit on.

4:07 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

jenna - brothers. *shakes head*
i feel your pain, dear, sensuous, pained jenna

miz b - oh boy...4wd u have NO idea what you've started :P hehehe
and yea! fight to for the laydeez!
uh uh *grunt*

leigh - true..most of em dont realise what they do..but most of the people ive come across - oh they know exactly what theyre doing!

dawn - oh being shat on is terrible...no one should ever have to take it! but like i said..i hate it when the attack comes out of the blue for no reason!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Mint Chutney did the happy dance and finally said..

I don't think I'm nasty but I can be extremely sarcastic. I'm also old school that I usually kill em' with kindness.

1:07 PM  
Blogger 4wD did the happy dance and finally said..

Miz : About the sunset, that's when you go out with a guy, they'll say things like, ``oh look at the moon, isn't it beautiful...'' We don't really care about the moon you know :)

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

4wd you're seriously killing all my delusions on men. I mean - how can you not care about the moon? I mean - it's the moon!!

10:57 PM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia did the happy dance and finally said..

I know my friend... it's what in the pants that counts, right?

Mahi... this is becoming raunchy! What have you started lady?!?!?

12:29 AM  
Blogger 4wD did the happy dance and finally said..

The moon is indeed very pretty. Give me a cloudless sky, and in the absence of the moons, a little distance from the city, and i'll even point out Orion, maybe Draco, and on a really clear day with no ground-lights, i'll even show you the Milky Way.

Just, if we have a lady with us, who cares about the stars? You know what i'm saying, jen?

3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

I know. I know.

9:29 AM  
Blogger APOO did the happy dance and finally said..

Ahem! Ok. Got the hint.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

minty - my soul sistah indeed! positively SMOTHER them with kindness..SUFFOCATE them with kindness!

miz b, jenna, 4wd - ....... carry on :P

apoo - as if thats gonna stop u.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia did the happy dance and finally said..

Don't think that us chicks are all innocent and "oh mista lova seduce me cause I am way too shy for that" covers-mouth-and-laughs-a-shy-laugh kind of people.... you know?

Moon and stars and sunsets and the like with the right person help put naughty thoughts in our head... but once the naughty thoughts are in there, who gives a crap about the moon and the like?

Then it is a matter of get to it mista or you may very well lose your window of sex... plain and simple!

How's that for a good verbal K-kish Mahi?

4wd, you are sweet.

Jenna, are you there?

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous did the happy dance and finally said..

All this astrology talk is beyond sexy.

Sun. Moon. Stars. God. I'm so obscenely desperate. I think I'll go hang out at the planetarium after work today.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

heheeh mizb and jenna what did this entry start off as and look at where it is now!!
sexy yummy mummy you're too cute!
jenna i literally laughed out LOUD when i read that planetarium comment!

9:53 AM  
Blogger Vikas did the happy dance and finally said..

True. I wish I could go back in time and ask Hitler, "What the fuck were you trying to do?"

7:04 PM  
Blogger AJ did the happy dance and finally said..

But can you really believe people that are constantly kind? Usually its hard to buy their sincerity no?

Personally I cant stand people who are constantly nice cos it all seems like they have no other emotions at all....

7:16 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

man in the box - welcome! seems like a darn good question to ask,the answer would really stink tho

aj - oh im with you on the whole 'people being too nice all the time'thing. its definitely not sincere at all..but my issue is with people who are nasty for no reason. go ahead and scream or say something snarky when someones given you a reason to be..i'm all that!

8:02 PM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia did the happy dance and finally said..

Mahi, your request for a love story has been answered... hope you like it!

1:08 AM  
Blogger the One did the happy dance and finally said..

You could try being extra, extra nice to the nasty types .. it usually drives them nuts.

P.S. Bloghopped here. Liked it.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

theone-welcome! do visit again!

5:46 PM  

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