28 May, 2010

Lessons Learnt (part 236)

A lesson a day keeps....one from messing up later on?

We learn all sorts of lessons, every day. Sometimes the lesson learnt can be communicable via word-of-mouth:
"Don't go into that cubicle, the toilet is a right MESS!" (It was. People who leave loos like that need to get their heads flushed. Ladies, DON'T HOVER.)
"Don't watch that movie, it got terrible reviews for a reason." (That's three hours of my life I'll never get back.)
"Don't eat there, we found cockroaches in the food not once, but twice." (This lesson needed to be taught to my friends and I, twice.)

Ah if only all lessons were learnt this easily, no?

More often than not though, we need to go through experiences in order understand the lesson behind it. And sometimes an experience needs to occur more than once.

After all the poop hits the fan, I think it's important to take with you the lesson, and not the emotions associated with the experience. It's not an easy task but I guess there's a lesson to be learn there as well.

The lucky ones are the ones who accept what has happened and move on...but more importantly - who have loved ones to help them through the ordeal.

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Blogger APOO did the happy dance and finally said..

It took 27 years, but my BIG baby has finally matured *sniff*

(And stop lying about being 25)

7:34 AM  
Blogger Madame Mahima did the happy dance and finally said..

26 years,apoo...26.
and i can mature, but you can't grow un-bald
*evil grin*

9:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown did the happy dance and finally said..

Great lessons come with phenomenal experiences! It is better to get our hands burned playing with fire than to hear someone say that it is dangerous to do so.

Hearsay wisdom and practical life are far apart yet intricately woven together. Knowing the right discretion to act helps us become better human beings.

Someone said that even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. If we don't watch horrible movies, how can we appreciate the Megha super films?

Love your blog, read through your archives and posts of the yester years. A total joy ride. Thank you, very much :)

1:30 PM  
Blogger DewdropDream did the happy dance and finally said..

"After all the poop hits the fan, I think it's important to take with you the lesson, and not the emotions associated with the experience. It's not an easy task but I guess there's a lesson to be learn there as well."

Hear, hear!

Although it would be infinitely helpful to have all these lessons thrown at you written on a placard in big block letters. Easier that way.

5:36 PM  

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